Saturday, November 24, 2018

Rocking My Emotions with Rock Your Heart Out by Crystal Kaswell

I was definitely looking forward to this book.  Tom is my favorite of the band so far and Crystal Kaswell took her time to develop him.  Also, Willow's back story had been hinted at and I was curious about what had happened to her.  I wasn't as worried about going into this book because she had done so well with the second book.  So, I opened the book to see what she had done with my favorite bad boy in Sinful Serenade.  
I am pretty familiar with the setting by now except this time they were on tour so I got to move deeper into band life and the intricate workings within.  Also, I found out why their manager is rarely around and that actually gave more depth to Tom's character.  
And speaking of Tom...He's just so cocky and sexy and though he may seem shallow at times, he has a good heart.  He cares for his family and his friends.  He puts himself in situations for them that are endearing.  He has a low opinion of his self-worth that is heartbreaking.  Willow is a strong woman who has faced flames and walked out a phoenix.  I love her stubbornness and her ability to raise her chin and face things even when she's hurt.  Together Tom and Willow push and pull each other and I would say they are fire together but they aren't...They're a freaking explosion.  
The story itself is emotional and pulls you through the pain and heartache and lust and love in a way that keeps you engaged.  It deals with family and friendships in a way that makes you want to continue to turn the pages.  There is sex in this book and it's hot as the hinges of hell's gates.  One other thing I will say is that Crystal Kaswell knows how to set up for the next story.  I thought Tom would be the climax but she started showing us more of Pete and he's made me conflicted.  There is a very good chance that he will become my favorite after reading the next book.  
I do recommend this book for anyone who likes bands, rocking out, love and lust.  I do not recommend this for anyone below the age of eighteen.  

Book Cover Rating: 5
Book Rating: A flaming hot 5

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