Friday, December 21, 2018

Playing With My Emotions with Play Your Heart Out by Crystal Kaswell

When you read a good book it sends you on a journey.  This one did that.  I was already attached to Pete and the previous characters or can I call them people because that's how they feel to me.  Mrs. Kaswell made these characters real.  Again, she gave them real problems and made them perfect in their imperfections.  I could really relate to Jess.  I think most people who have witnessed alcohol abuse from someone they love can and I know most can relate to Pete.  Her descriptions of them are wonderful but there is true emotion and heart in each character.  I have truly fallen in love with them.  Well, all of them but Aiden but again, that's what should happen when the guy is making your lead's lives difficult.  
This is the fourth book in the series and by that time there should be a world to build on that is consistent.  She did that very well, adding new places and vivid descriptions as she went.  She truly does this justice.  
The plot is moving but the thing about her books is she has this tendency to tear my heart out before piecing it back together and I love her for it.  That emotion is what people read books for.  So, here's my heart Crystal Kaswell...obliterate it...As long as you keep putting it together so tremendously.  
I recommend this book for anyone who loves romance, bands and stories that have a heart and soul.  I do not recommend this book for children because they will learn about the birds and the bees within its pages.  

Book Cover Rating: 5+
Book Rating: 5+ 

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Rocking My Emotions with Rock Your Heart Out by Crystal Kaswell

I was definitely looking forward to this book.  Tom is my favorite of the band so far and Crystal Kaswell took her time to develop him.  Also, Willow's back story had been hinted at and I was curious about what had happened to her.  I wasn't as worried about going into this book because she had done so well with the second book.  So, I opened the book to see what she had done with my favorite bad boy in Sinful Serenade.  
I am pretty familiar with the setting by now except this time they were on tour so I got to move deeper into band life and the intricate workings within.  Also, I found out why their manager is rarely around and that actually gave more depth to Tom's character.  
And speaking of Tom...He's just so cocky and sexy and though he may seem shallow at times, he has a good heart.  He cares for his family and his friends.  He puts himself in situations for them that are endearing.  He has a low opinion of his self-worth that is heartbreaking.  Willow is a strong woman who has faced flames and walked out a phoenix.  I love her stubbornness and her ability to raise her chin and face things even when she's hurt.  Together Tom and Willow push and pull each other and I would say they are fire together but they aren't...They're a freaking explosion.  
The story itself is emotional and pulls you through the pain and heartache and lust and love in a way that keeps you engaged.  It deals with family and friendships in a way that makes you want to continue to turn the pages.  There is sex in this book and it's hot as the hinges of hell's gates.  One other thing I will say is that Crystal Kaswell knows how to set up for the next story.  I thought Tom would be the climax but she started showing us more of Pete and he's made me conflicted.  There is a very good chance that he will become my favorite after reading the next book.  
I do recommend this book for anyone who likes bands, rocking out, love and lust.  I do not recommend this for anyone below the age of eighteen.  

Book Cover Rating: 5
Book Rating: A flaming hot 5

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Pulling At Those Heart Strings With Strum Your Heart Out By Crystal Kaswell

I opened the second book of this series invested in the characters because they were in the first book, Sing Your Heart Out.  Kara is Meg's best friend and Drew is in the band as the guitarist.  He's Kara's other best friend.  I was excited about learning more about them and if I'm honest, a little worried because as a reader sometimes, you get so involved then you read the story for the characters and it falls flat.  I was thankful that didn't happen in this book.  Crystal Kaswell brought all the hotness from the first book and turned it up to scorching.  What she does so well with them (Besides the hotness of course) is she makes them real.  They have real fears and real worries and ugly part to their pasts.  They are far from perfect.  Her characters have went through things and are beautiful in their imperfections.  I love that.  I grasp onto that.  The heart and soul in the first two books made me care for them and want them to find their happily ever after.  I laughed with them and I cried with them.  Those emotions mean so much to me as a reader and I'm grateful she brought them out.  
How she described band life is also perfect.  How do I know?  I've been around bands...I even lived with a band.  Bandmates aren't always happy with each other.  There is drama and people are always in each other's private lives.  I'm glad she didn't make it all roses because it's not.  I would be very surprised to find that she hadn't been around bands and how they work because she writes it so well.
I love her side characters.  She has successfully hooked me in for the next books.  I can not wait to read Tom and Pete's stories.  I really have no complaints about this book.  I loved every minute of reading it.  
I recommend this book for anyone who loves romance and if you haven't read band romance, this is a good place to start.  It will make you have high expectations.  The only ones who should not read this book are children because of those very steamy, hot naughty scenes.

Book cover rating: 5+
Book Rating: 5++++++

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Book Reviews by Amanda : Becoming A Groupie with Crystal Kaswell's Sing You...

Book Reviews by Amanda : Becoming A Groupie with Crystal Kaswell's Sing You...: I started this book a while ago and didn't get to finish it because I was healing from surgery.  Oh!  I am so glad I got to finis...

The Next Series To Be Reviewed: Crystal Kaswell's Sinful Serenade

As you know, I promised once I read a book in a series, I would finish the series.  A while ago, I reviewed Crystal Kaswell's first installment in her Sinful Serenade Series.  I have recently re-read Sing Your Heart Out and I want to finish the series.  So, I will be re-posting the review for the first book and I will review the next books in the series.
As always, I pick the books and these are honest reviews and will remain honest reviews.  You can request for a review but I can never promise that I'll read them right away or at all.  I will let you know if it goes on my to be read list.  On this series, I can say that Crystal Kaswell didn't request me to review though I did inform her that I was because it's polite.  I will also be asking for suggestions in the future for certain genres.  Also, all reviews are free and I buy the books to keep the reviews honest. 
So, check out the reposting of Sing Your Heart Out's review and I look forward to the next review of Strum Your Heart Out!  -Amanda

Saturday, September 15, 2018

I'm So Emotional Because of The Book of Eve by Julia Blake

Before I get to the review, I want to let everyone know, I do reviews on books I choose on my own.  However, because of facebook's new rules, I will allow someone to send me a request for a review because I am seeing less books on my timeline.  You can do that through messaging my facebook page.  I can not promise that I am going to review your book in a timely fashion or at all.  I will let you know if I put the book on my to be read.  I have a long to be read list but if your book is interesting to me I will read it.  My book tastes are eclectic and I read almost everything.  The reviews are honest reviews and I don't accept payment for them to keep them that way.  

Now for the review:
The Book of Eve came across my timeline a few months ago and I put it on my to be read list.  From the moment I opened this book my heart was pounding because it threw me back into my teen years when I discovered V.C. Andrews.  This book has all of the gothic mystery that made me realize how much I wanted to be a writer.  The twists and turns in it had me constantly guessing what was happening.  The symbolism is strong in this story.  Every single thing means something that only comes to light when the author wants it to be known.  Pay attention to everything, including the chapter titles.  The characters are multi-dimensional allowing the reader to peel back layer after layer of their personalities and pasts.  I love Eve, Scott, Annaleise, Mimi and all the others.  The Book of Eve had me knee deep in emotions and tissues.  Warning: You will need more than one box for this story.  The descriptions are vivid and Julia Blake's writing creates nostalgia that reminded me of days past even though the story is modern.  It is a book that after finishing, I held my Kindle to my chest, dazed with my heart pounding.  Julia Blake surprised me because usually I can figure out what's going on in a story within the first five chapters.  I did not figure out what happened until the end.
So, I recommend this book to anyone who likes gothic family dramas and mystery.  I do not recommend this for children because there are some scenes which have tragedy and sex.  

Book Cover: 5
Book Rating: 5+++  (Read it!  You won't regret it)      

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Lords of Carnage by Daphne Loveling Series Review

Most of you probably don't know this but I don't have authors contact me for reviews.  I choose what I review by what interests me.  However, I do contact the author after the first reviews because I'm an author myself and I would want to know any reviews I may receive.  Also, this means my reviews are always honest.  I have found a lot of books that have become my favorites just by scrolling through amazon or by seeing them on facebook.  With facebook's new rules, I want to reach out and tell any authors that they may send me book suggestions through my messenger.  This doesn't mean that I'll choose your books but if it interests me, I'll put it on my to be read list and it will get its spot.  Also, I do both series review and single review and I will let you know when your books are being reviewed and what type of review it is.  That being said, onto my series review for the awesome story-weaver Daphne Loveling.
If you can't tell from my reviews of the books before, Daphne Loveling has cemented her role as one of my favorite authors.  The Lords of Carnage is action packed, full of family love and full of scorching hot men and strong women.  It is a rare find in the M.C. Romance genre to find every element moving into such a wonderful series from beginning to end.  From the very first book, she had me hooked and continued catching me in her vibrant storytelling.  Her character building is above par, making her characters both relatable and believable.  There is true emotion in her books and I can tell she takes a great amount of care with her story.  I will be recommending these stories for the foreseeable future.  Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if I was still recommending these books on my deathbed.  (Let's hope that's not for a long time.)  I promise I will be reviewing any new books in this series and I will most likely be reviewing more of her books in her other series.  I want to thank Daphne Loveling for her books.  They have been truly entertaining.  I mean...I couldn't even just give them five stars.  They are worth more than that.  Anyone writing an M.C. Romance, take notes.  This is how you do it.  I am absolutely thrilled with the Lords. 

Series Rating:  There isn't a number high enough.  They've earned a place on my bookshelves.  (I'm picky about what goes there and she is now one of my recommended authors.     

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

This Girl Needs an Avenger Like Angel by Daphne Loveling

Holy hotness!  Daphne Loveling just sent me on a wild ride that only the president of the Lords of Carnage M.C. could take me on.  I can not express how happy I am with this book...But I'm gonna try.  Anyone who has read the Lords of Carnage books knows Angel is hot as Hades and cocky with a sinful grin.  These qualities are amped to the max in this book as he takes the helm as the president of the Lords.  I am absolutely thrilled that his lady is none other than Jewel who has been my favorite side character until now.  She's taking center stage in all her sassy but classy glory and now, I have a new favorite side character, Jude...Her brother!  Jewel is the perfect partner for Angel because she takes none of his crap and can stand toe to toe with him without flinching.  Jewel has never been a wallflower.  Nope!  This girl is a wildflower.  
As always, Daphne does an excellent job of making every aspect of the town and characters real.  There is a real sense of family among the Lords and as I may have mentioned, that is important to me.  If I expected her to slow down on the action, I was wrong.  If anything, the action has become even more explosive for this book.  So, anyone who needs a burst of adrenaline, you will get it from Angel.  
The only problem I have with this book is now I'm having problems figuring out who my favorite Lord is.  I think I'll have to re-read them all to figure it out.  
I recommend this book to anyone who loves protective alpha males, family that would die for you and scorching hot bedroom play.  I do not recommend this for anyone who is under the age of 18 because of the mouth-watering naughtiness.

Book Cover Rating:  1,000 Charlie Hunnam smiles because he's got it.
Book Rating: There isn't a number high enough but I think I'll be drinking the whole damn bar for this one.   

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Hanging with a Beast by Daphne Loveling

If I thought that Daphne Loveling was going to slow down and give my heart a rest after Thorn, I was absolutely wrong.  From the first page, I was hooked.  The sense of adventure in this book is outstanding but it also pulled at my heartstrings as the book continued.  Beast is filled with passion and fire but also a real heart where bad things happen but people become survivors.  
Beast, himself is everything an alpha male should be.  He's strong and stubborn with a way to fire up arguments as well as the sheets while still showing that protective nature and that he truly cares for not only Brooke but his M.C. family.  Brooke isn't a damsel in distress though she is far from stiff.  She is strong and caring and not afraid to cry while allowing Beast to protect and comfort her without it appearing that she is a weak come save me girl.  Brooke is definitely all woman and matches Beast's alpha maleness perfectly.  As always, the side characters are interesting and make you want them to have their own stories.  As I mentioned in an earlier, I love Jewel as well as the other characters who have already shined in their own books.  I even liked Lemy's character even though my heart goes out to him.  Mrs. Loveling actually keeps the scenery in town consistent within her books inserting Sydney's coffee shop, The Golden Cup in this book as well as the hospital where Isabel works and Twisted Pipes and the tattoo shop the Lords frequent.  Those businesses give Tanner Spring a heart.  The bad guys are especially bad in this book. Daphne Loveling has made a great story.  She's also made sure my list of book boyfriends have grown with every book.  Beast is heart-poundingly hot!  
I would obviously not recommend this for kiddos but for anyone who likes motorcycles, hot guys and strong females with a lot of action and emotion, I suggest you read it.  You will not be disappointed.  

Book Cover Rating: An inch from the sun's rays hot!  
Book Rating: Thorn made me drink 100 proof Irish Whiskey.  For Beast I'm going for 140 proof Moonshine

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Falling in Love with Thorn by Daphne Loveling

When I think of the perfect dream inducing man, I have a check list.  This book seemed to tick off each on of those.  Alpha male...Check.  Has a bit of a sensitive side...Check.  Irish accent...Check.  Hot, sculpted body...Check.  Roguish sense of humor...Check  I was already half in love with Thorn with his constant positive attitude and his sense of humor before I turned to the first page in this book...After reading the last page, I have only two words to describe Thorn...Book boyfriend.  Yep...He's mine...And okay...He's Isabel's too. 
Sassy and hard heated like yours truly, Isabel helps keep those pages turning.  She isn't overshadowed by Thorn but can stand toe to toe with the roguish bad boy.  Though I love Thorn and want to claim him, he is Isabel's perfect mate.  They click so well that their story haunts well after you've finished reading the last page.  Though she is the daughter of the M.C. president of the Death Devils, she is far from spoiled.  The chemistry between Thorn and Isabell is sizzling.  
The story plot is wonderful and ties in some loose ends from the other books wonderfully especially one major one.  The bad guy is especially creepy and you find yourself wishing you could be the one to put him down.  The action in this book is amazing.  
Now, back to my book boyfriend, Thorn.  Daphne Loveling gave me high hopes for this book because she developed him to be so hot he melted panties.  I hate to say this because I love books and authors but many times series will get your hopes up when it comes to certain characters, but with Daphne Loveling she delivered Thorn straight from the oven and into my heart.  He almost melted my Kindle!  Though I am picky about what goes on my shelf space because let's face it, I don't have a lot of room, this series will be taking up a whole series.  Thorn drips with alpha male, passion and delicious naughtiness.  
I do recommend this book for those who like motorcycles, bad boys and action.  I do not recommend this for the kiddos for obvious naughtiness.  Daphne Loveling, thank you for writing Thorn.  I truly enjoyed every word.  

Book Cover Rating:  HOT HOT 10 because 5 isn't going to do it
Book Rating:  First time ever doing this but 100 proof...Because this book is too hot to give a number to.  I need a shot of whiskey after that.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

A Gambler and A Bad Boy Oh my! My review of Brick by Daphne Loveling

Who grew up in a family that played cards almost every moment of my childhood?  Me?  Who also grew up around bikers and married into a family full of them?  Me.  Also, as a bonus...Who loves coffee and baking?  Me!  Who loves bad boys?  Again, me!  So, I am excited to say, this book had all of it.  
Brick is a bad biker boy who heated up the pages.  Sydney is a girl who knows all things gambler but gave it up and started a bakery/coffee shop.  Bonus, she's a red-head.  I loved this book.  Daphne Loveling is the Queen of M.C. Romance and she continued the series with a bang.  So far, I have enjoyed every single word of her books.  It is not simply the hot guys and the steamy sex.  She continues to show a story.  Each character has their own personality and that is why I can become involved.  Brick is stubbon and alpha and he drives me a little crazy because of his trust issues.  Sydney is hot-headed but sweet with her own secrets.  I was a cheerleader for these two from the beginning.  Mrs. Loveling has also made sure that you visit the characters from the other books.  You get to see how they've grown and even the children of the past books are growing!  They don't stay the same age, thank goodness so you get a sense of time passing.  Tanner Springs is well-developed and you actually get a sense of the town.  Also, the club life is shown well in these books.  So far, I have not found a book that I do not like in this series.  There was even a little heartbreak in this one.  Okay...I cried but that's part of a good book.  It pulls those emotions out of you.  
So, recommendations...I would recommend this to anyone who loves bikes, bullets, danger, love and adventure.  I do not recommend this for anyone under 18.  There is a fair amount of naughty behavior.  In other words, let's keep the kiddos young, don't let them see this book.  It's fair game for anyone else.

Book Cover Rating: A delicious 5+
Book rating: 5++

Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Musical Bad Boy...Oh Yes! My Review of Hawk by Daphne Loveling

Hawk is the second book from Daphne Loveling's Lords of Carnage Series.  I thoroughly enjoyed Ghost and Jenna's story and started this book with a great amount of optimism.  I like bad boys who ride motorcycles...I like bad boys who ride motorcycles and play the guitar even more.  From the very beginning, I adored Hawk and I really do like Samantha because she is fiery and independent and that is something that I look for in female characters.  The story gripped me from the beginning and not just because the main character is hot but he also has a heartwrenching back story that shows his sensitive side.  He's real and that means a lot to me when reading a book especially books with alpha males.  In other words, she doesn't make him a jerk.  Samantha is well-rounded, she's sensitive but she can also hold her own.  Yes, that means she's a bit stubborn but it's not overdone or annoying.  She's not whiny.  She can get things done on her own.  The biggest thing in the story that caught me was she supports him in a way that a lot of people wouldn't when starting a relationship.  I've fallen in love with the supporting characters and she does keep us well-informed about what is going on with Ghost and Jenna also.  There is a brotherhood there but there is also a sisterhood that is beginning with Jenna, Samantha and Jewel, who is the bartender for the club.  I like that she has taken her time and allowed the threats to the club to slowly build.  I definitely saw more of that in this book.  Because of that, there is no confusion about what is going on. 
So, I would recommend this book to anyone who loves bikers, romance, bad boys (some play instruments) and action.  I do not recommend this for anyone under eighteen.  There is some naughty play that's oh so nice but only for adults.

Book rating: 5+
Book Cover Rating: 5+  (Hawk is a very hot man.)

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Falling in love with a man called Ghost by Daphne Loveling

I started this series with a little anxiously because it is an M.C. Romance.  I want to explain that.  I worry when I start any M.C. series because though I know it is fiction, I want there to be some very real elements to it.  The reason is because bikers are a huge part of my life.  My favorite babysitter was a biker.  I have friends who are bikers and I married into a family full of bikers.  In other words, some of my favorite people are bikers.  So, the elements that I look for are not just the badass characters on motorcycles.  Don't get me wrong.  It should definitely be there but M.C. romances should have more than that.  You should have a sense of family that is encompassed in the biker element.  The men and women should have human emotions because after all, they are human.  There should be loyalty because it is a HUGE part of all of it.  The characters should have depth.  In other words, they have to have different personalities and not just the I'm an alpha male and that's all there is to me.  Whether you understand it or not, it is important to me that bikers are represented well.
So, I started this series with a bit of worry.  I opened Ghost and smiled.  The family element is there from the beginning with Angel and Jenna and her son, Noah.  It immediately made me invested in the story.  Ghost is hot but he also well-developed and as I read, I could see the difference between him and his brothers.  Daphne Loveling did well describing the club family and the loyalty that binds all of them.  It is well-written and the town that she created is believable.  This is another problem I've found with M.C. Romances.  Their territory must be believable.  There are places of business and the clubs own businesses.  Their members own businesses.  Their Ol' Ladies work.  The town is an integral part of building the story.  The town itself is as important as the characters because they are protecting their town. So, it must be well-described.  The love between Ghost and Jenna is scorching hot and it's not an insta-romance.  I have nothing against insta-romances but in this story there needed to be a slow burn because there is a past there.  Another part I was happily surprised with is how she described the clubhouse and what goes on in the clubhouse.  She made sure that the kids of the members were welcome and they weren't non-existent.  I've seen this in only two series so far.  (I really need to give more M.C. romances a chance)  This is a very real thing that happens.  Families do go to the clubhouses and that often includes children.  So, to say that I love this book is an understatement.  There was some relief with it too.  
So, I recommend this to anyone who loves bikers who are hot and real and anyone who loves fast paced action.  I obviously do not recommend this for children unless you're ready to discuss the birds and the bees and there is violence within these pages.  I honestly would recommend Ghost to anyone else.  

Book Rating: 5+ 
Book Cover:  Extremely hot 5+  

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Kingdom Series by Marie Hall

This is my review of the Kingdom Series by Marie Hall as a whole.  I truly enjoyed reading this series.  It was filled with magical worlds full of descriptions that heightened the magic and didn't drag the stories down.  I love the way Marie Hall writes.  Her style keeps you immersed in the stories.  Her characters are interesting and her main characters make you fall in love with them.  She doesn't skimp on the details of her minor characters.  If I had to describe The Kingdom Series in one word, it would be enchanting. 
I would like to thank Marie Hall for the entertainment and magic. 
I would give this series as a whole five plus stars.  It's become one of my favorites.  I will review The Dark Princess Saga later when my to be read list has gone down a bit. 

The next series I will be reviewing will be: The Lords of Carnage Series by Daphne Loveling.  If you like hot bikers, then you may enjoy the reviews for her books. 

Danika's Surprise and Moon's Flower

Though Danika's Surprise and Moon's Flower are very short, they are prequels to the Dark Princess Saga.  I felt reviewing them would ruin the surprise.  I will say they are very good as a prequel to the Dark Princess Saga and they give some good information.  So, I do think reading them would be a benefit. 

Sunday, June 24, 2018

A Magical trip on Hook's Ship with Hook's Pan by Marie Hall

Hook's Pan takes one of the previous characters from Gerard's Beauty, Trishelle and makes her a main character.  I was so happy about this because Marie Hall did a good job of making me feel a bond to this character well before Hook's Pan.  I did wonder how she was meant for Hook but revealing it will ruin the surprise.  I will say this book takes you into the realm of mermaids and Hook is deliciously wicked as you would imagine but he's also a broken soul who you want desperately to be put back together.  As always with Marie Hall, the scenery, characters and plot are enchanted with descriptions that pull you into the story and makes you live every single second.  I am enraptured by this author's imagination.  I recommend this read for anyone who likes twisted fairytales and romance.  I do not recommend this read for children.  This is not a child's fairytale.  

Book Cover Rating: 5
Book Rating: 5

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Wishing I Can Rub a Lamp with Jinni's Wish by Marie Hall

The fourth book in Marie Hall's A Kingdom Novel Series made me giddy to start.  Out of all of the books in this series, Jinni's story intrigued me the most because I wondered how she was going to pull off a book where the male lead was fading away into nothingness.  I worried that it would be unbelievable.  I was wrong.  Marie Hall is consistent in her surprises.  Her female lead, Paz was wonderful.  I loved her from the very beginning.  As always, Marie Hall is a master plotter and describes things so well that I felt the magic from the very first page.  Jinni also known as Tristan Black has a backstory that made my heart break.  She made me feel every moment of his life and created a bond that shattered me before she put me back together.  I truly love this series and I am so glad to have found it.  I do recommend this book for anyone who likes magic and descriptive worlds.  This book will enchant you.  I do not recommend this book for children.  There is some adult content. 

Book cover rating: 5
Book rating: 5

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Enchanted by the Wolf with Marie Hall's Red and Her Wolf by Marie Hall

I'm going to do this review a little different than my other book reviews and I will probably do it this way from now on so you can do see the full picture.  First, I went into this book thinking Gerard's Beauty would be my favorite from this series.  I was surprised to find that I have a true love for this story.  My heart was broken from the beginning.  I felt so bad for Red and so bad for Ewan and so mad at my favorite demon bug or fairy, Danika at the beginning of this book, I wondered how Marie Hall would fix that heartache.  She did it in the way that she always does it...With Magic.  Everything from the setting to the plot was pure dazzling magic.  She is the master of description and causes me to care about each of her characters. 
So, if you want a story full of description but doesn't overdo it or a story full of magic and love, this story is for you.  Be warned there is some heartbreak along the way but it makes it so much better by the end.

Book cover rating: 5
Book rating: 5 +

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Feeling my heart patter for Gerard's Beauty by Marie Hall

Sorry I didn't get back to this when I started but I've had a few deaths and then, health scares with my family.  Thankfully, everything has calmed down and I want to get back to it.  
After reading Her Mad Hatter, I was excited to read the next book in this series.  Gerard's Beauty definitely gives a new take on the Beauty and the Beast fairytale turning everything you've read or watched upside down in a good way.  
Anything that has a library as one of its settings gains a point for me.  Betty is a librarian with a very vivacious friend who I will get to in a later review.  Marie Hall has a way of bringing things to life.  Her descriptions are on point so whether it was describing the library, Betty's apartment, the lake or the cosplay convention she manages to bring those places to life for you.  
The characters are awesome.  So awesome in fact that I was really mad at one of her fairies for what she does to Gerard.  (If you want to know what that is, you should read it.)  I truly loved Betty.  I want to be her friend.  Can I do that?  Can I have book friends?  Yes...Yes, I can.  Betty is now my friend.  Danika is awesome as always.  I have a great dislike for the evil demon fairy that did that naughty thing to him.  See...I told you I was mad about it.  
The plot was heartwarming and sweet with just a hint of spice. It moved quickly and I really couldn't put it down.  Marie Hall has a way of dazzling my mind with description.  She doesn't put so much that it is tedious to read but she puts enough for you to see everything.  In each stage of the plot, I felt that dazzle.  It's very unique and very rare.  
I recommend Gerard's Beauty for everyone over eighteen because there is a bit of naughty but not so much that I would warn away people who like cleaner romance.  I also recommend this story for anyone who likes twisted fairytales...If you like Belle...I think you would still like it but be warned she is not the good guy in this story.  

Cover rating: 5 
Book rating: 5+

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Going Mad for Her Mad Hatter by Marie Hall

I have decided to try to do series reviews because sometimes, you just need to read the series.  I'll start off my review of Kingdom Series by Marie Hall with Her Mad Hatter.  
I actually got this book a while ago but my tbr filled up and for some reason, it kept getting pushed back but I did finally get around to it.  I'm actually surprised that it took so long because I do have a slight obsession with Alice in Wonderland.  
The plot of the story is interesting.  I appreciate the fresh new view of Wonderland where the Hatter is as mad and delicious as he is supposed to be and there has been more than one Alice where at least one was evil and only one of the Alices was worthy of our Hatter.  Marie Hall gives depth to the plot and pays close attention leaving no holes and keeping her readers engaged.  
The scene is set in magic.  Of course, you would expect that with a story set in Wonderland but Marie Hall is a master weaver of words and worlds.  She helps you experience the magic with each description and each word written.  Imagination is strong and pictures are vivid as she creates the world of the Hatter and even of Alice's shop.  Alice's recipes in the books help too.  (Delicious.)  
The characters are heartbreakingly real but retain their magic.  Hatter is just as wonderfully mad as you would expect but Marie Hall made him mouth watering and sexy.  Alice is real...My heart wanted these two together from the beginning.  Danika is the type of fairy godmother I would want.  She doesn't give up.  She makes the magic happen.  
The story as a whole is one that deserves to be read over and over again.  It is one that deserves the place in a library and beckons dreams.  I do recommend Her Mad Hatter to those who love fairytales and adventure but it's not a book for children.  This is a fairytale made for adults.

Book Cover Rating: 5 Stars +
My rating: 5 stars +

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Learning Religion with The Secret Origins of Christianity by Hekataios Amerikos

This is the first non-fiction book that I am reviewing on my blog.  However, I do love non-fiction books also. I am thankful for them.  I enjoy expanding my mind.  So, as expected this will be a bit different than my fiction reviews but I hope to do this book justice.  
First, the information in this book may be seen as controversial but in all honesty, anything that broaches the subject of religion is going to be. I went into this book realizing that it was going to teach me about the origins of Christianity and within it, I would find things not taught in a church or by most in society.  In fact, many things I have learned in this book are not known by most and for that reason, I am so glad I picked up this book.
Since this is the first time I have reviewed a non-fiction book, I struggled with how to review it.  So, I asked was it informative.  It was.  It covered everything from Moses to the demise of Paul to the Apocolypses.  It also covers so much more.  I learned so much from this book and the author has been nice enough to answer any questions I have. 
Also, I asked if it was entertaining.  The answer is yes.  Though it is a book full of information, it's written in a way that makes you want to read more.  I took a long time to read this and I enjoyed it. There wasn't once that I got bored. So, Heakataos Americkos has a talent of keeping you engaged.  
The third and final question I asked myself was is it easy to understand?  This was such an easy book to absorb.  The author has written a book that I had no trouble understanding.  He included a timeline, Every subject had correct dates and names and exactly how they connected to the origin of Christianity.  
So, to rate this book.  I would give it more than five stars.  It's a book that I feel everyone should read.  It is enlightening and everyone needs enlightenment.  

Book Cover rating: 5 Stars 
Book rating 5 + Stars 

Friday, January 12, 2018

My Throwback Review of The Darkest Fire by Gena Showalter

The story of Geryon and Kadence was heartbreaking at first but I was really happy with the way they ended. Though Geryon did not look like a normal romance character, I did find myself feeling as if I understood how he felt. I loved that Kadence was able to look past his looks and feel absolute love for him. I truly do think that everyone should look into this prequel of the Lords of the Underworld. It will help you understand how everything started and it will also change the way you look at romance.