Thursday, September 15, 2016

Surrounded by Zombies with Broken Dreams by Rissa Blakely

Hi, Everyone!  I have been engrossed in a book called Broken Dreams by Rissa Blakely.  To be honest, this is one of the few zombie apocalypse books I’ve read.  Honestly, I do need to read more.  This book reminded me of that.
I’ll start with the setting.  It has the world as we know it now starting in England and ending in the United States to an apocalyptic world filled with zombies.  Mrs. Blakely made the transition a smooth one which I’ve found a problem in most novels and even movies that start before an apocalyptic event.  This is where I thank her for not putting the main guy in a coma and waking up to a changed world.  I got to see it unfold which was a wonderful change from the last couple of zombie books and I've read.
The characters are relatable and realistic.  I liked Henry though he had his jerk moments, he was equally sweet and protective.  Elaina is NOT a damsel in distress.  She does show fear but she knows how to kick butt when needed.  The other characters are wonderful too.  I didn’t think I would like Elaina’s best friend, Claire but I actually ended up liking her.  Her brother is wonderful and when it comes to bad guys, Rissa Blakely knows how to make them.  I loathed them.  So, I wanted to make sure she knew she did a good job on that.
Now, for the plot.  It is a wonderful plot.  It’s well thought out.  It is a bit slow to start which occurs through the prologue and a little of the first chapter.  I am going to tell you to push through that because after it gets going, it will keep you interested.  I realized about half-way through the book that I was thankful for the slow start because it explained things that would have otherwise been confusing.  Also, I am thankful for the flashbacks.  It gave me a view of Elaina and Henry's relationship before everything hit the fan.  It made me understand a bit more of what was going on.  There is plenty of action, romance, bad guys and zombies.  At the start of this book, I wasn’t sure about it but I ended up loving it.  I really did. 
I do give it a 4.5 because it could have sped up a little at the beginning but we all know that rounds out to a 5.  I recommend this to anyone who loves, zombies, romance, action and apocalyptic books.  However, I do NOT recommend this for the kiddos.   

Rating 4.5
Book Cover Rating 5  

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