So, I sat down and read Goldie Locks Her Bear which is my first Bear-Shifter book. I know that's a shocker. I don't know why I've never read one especially now and I do see myself reading many more. You have Mackenzie Raye to thank for that.
As always, I will start with the setting. This takes place in a small country town on the Mason-Dixon line which is good because we are talking about bear-shifters and the setting itself helps further the story. So, the setting was done well. However, the characters are what makes this story again.
The two main characters, are hot. Goldie is a player but so is the man she was only planning on having a one night stand with. There are plenty of ex-lovers and want to be lovers to make them jealous. I promise there is plenty of action in this book.
The plot is different than I imagined. It is a love story but you don't have the typical characters meeting and falling in love. Instead, you have two characters who are known for one-night stands. They are not prepared for the feelings they have for each other. I loved this plot because they both had to choose to change.
I do believe there is one thing that needs to be worked on and that's editing. A program like Pro-writing aid helps with that and it's free. I know because I have been there and one of my friends helped me find the program. I don't want those issues taking away from a wonderful story. This is a wonderful story.
My rating: 4
Book Cover Rating: 5