Monday, March 25, 2019

Giving Away Pieces of My Heart with Pieces of Me by Laura Farr

I'm sorry for the hiatus.  I had some family issues to deal with.  Thank you for your patience but I'm back and with a new author!  I have not read any of Laura Farr's books so I opened this one not knowing what to expect.
The truth is, it had me hooked from the beginning.  Of course it starts sad with the death of Cooper's wife leaving him with a newborn daughter.  It was heartbreaking but I ended up rooting for Cooper's happy ending right from the start.  The main female lead, Lexi is likeable and relatable and the banter between the two is heartwarming and I quickly fell in love with them being together.  As a matter of fact, I craved it.  The scenes between them were everything from heart melting to hot as sin.  It is rare to find both but I found it in this book.  I want to talk about the other characters.  Bella is so sweet.  I love that little girl.  She was full of energy and sassy.  I just want to hug her.  Cooper's sister, Maddie is the friend I want to have. Alex is the perfect male friend.  He's supportive and wants what is best for his friend.  
The setting of Oceanside is a paradise in its own right.  The beach, the shops and the ocean provide for a romantic setting that helps with the sentimentality of Cooper and Lexi's outings as well as when Lexi is out with Bella.  
The plot is so endearing and perfectly laid out so it has quickly become a book to read when I need something that lifts me up.  It's not one that I will get tired of.  As a matter of fact, I finished it today and am going through a bit of book grief.  I already want to read it again.  I feel lucky to have read this story.  That's what you want to feel after reading a good book.    
I will be Pieces of Me in paperback.  I want to thank Laura Farr for writing this story.  It will entertain me many times in the future.  
I recommend this book for people who want a sweet but hot romance and those who like vivid imagery.  I would not recommend this book for minors.  There is a bit naughtiness.  

Book Cover: 5+++  (Cooper's hot!) 
Book Rating: 5+++