Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Learning Religion with The Secret Origins of Christianity by Hekataios Amerikos

This is the first non-fiction book that I am reviewing on my blog.  However, I do love non-fiction books also. I am thankful for them.  I enjoy expanding my mind.  So, as expected this will be a bit different than my fiction reviews but I hope to do this book justice.  
First, the information in this book may be seen as controversial but in all honesty, anything that broaches the subject of religion is going to be. I went into this book realizing that it was going to teach me about the origins of Christianity and within it, I would find things not taught in a church or by most in society.  In fact, many things I have learned in this book are not known by most and for that reason, I am so glad I picked up this book.
Since this is the first time I have reviewed a non-fiction book, I struggled with how to review it.  So, I asked was it informative.  It was.  It covered everything from Moses to the demise of Paul to the Apocolypses.  It also covers so much more.  I learned so much from this book and the author has been nice enough to answer any questions I have. 
Also, I asked if it was entertaining.  The answer is yes.  Though it is a book full of information, it's written in a way that makes you want to read more.  I took a long time to read this and I enjoyed it. There wasn't once that I got bored. So, Heakataos Americkos has a talent of keeping you engaged.  
The third and final question I asked myself was is it easy to understand?  This was such an easy book to absorb.  The author has written a book that I had no trouble understanding.  He included a timeline, Every subject had correct dates and names and exactly how they connected to the origin of Christianity.  
So, to rate this book.  I would give it more than five stars.  It's a book that I feel everyone should read.  It is enlightening and everyone needs enlightenment.  

Book Cover rating: 5 Stars 
Book rating 5 + Stars