However, in a way, I am unlucky because now I have to worry. Are me or my family members in danger? I'm not talking about one race of my family or one job description or one religion or sexuality...I'm talking about all. Do I have to pick a side? Because either way I go is to go against family members and people I love. It's a terrifying thought and I guess it caused me to break today.
That break caused me to be very candid with someone and I just threw all caution to the wind. I told a complete stranger how I felt and something happened that had not happened in a long time. There was no name calling or anger. We had a conversation on social media and listened to each other. It was amazing. We shared opinions and even posted things to support our views in ways that were respectful. We even thanked each other. Whether he knows it or not, he gave me a little more faith in humanity.
So, I'm going to try to explain one of the things that is bothering me and hopefully, it will give a point of view that will help in the very tense situations going on right now. Hopefully, you will listen like this man did. So, here goes...As some of you know, I live in Dallas County and it's hard to realize that people died because of circumstances they were not part of. I have police officers in my family and I have young black men in my family too and this effects them. One of my author friends who live near me posted her support of the police officers who passed and the very first comment was that she should feel sorry for the young black men who passed instead. Worse, I've seen similar things posted. I admit it made me hesitant. It twisted my soul. I shouldn't feel like I'm choosing between them because what people don't understand is that in the police officers I see my uncle, or my grandpa or my step-dad and in these young black men, I see my nephew or my cousins. I should never ever feel as if I have to choose because someone decides to belittle my compassion and tell me I put it in the wrong place. I should never have to hesitate to show love and compassion to anyone especially in a world where love and compassion is scarce and I won't again. However, I will ask you to be like the man who listened to me. The man who wasn't a friend or companion but a complete stranger who allowed me to show him respect by giving it and allow compassion to not have to pick a side. Be like him and do the one thing people have forgotten how to do...Listen. Thank you.