As an author, reviews help me know that people like my book. Yes, I realize that not all reviews of my work will receive five stars and the amazing truth is that I wouldn't want them to. I would want them to be honest because they let me know what I can improve on and what I did well. Second, I wouldn't want someone to look at my reviews and think I paid for them. I have heard of this happening. I don't think it's right. I have also heard that reviewers have been bullied before after giving a review that the bully didn't like. I don't condone that. So, I would like to go on record to say that if anyone harasses you over my books or their reviews, please let me know. It is unprofessional for me to allow that to happen. Now, that being said, there is another spectrum, Trolls are everywhere and this is no exception. There have been authors who receive fake bad reviews or maybe they read the book and decided to be nasty. Trolls don't help anyone. They tear down and give no way that the book could be improved. So, as an author HONEST reviews help me. I do realize that I will get some five star reviews which are wonderful if you truly love the book. I understand I'll get four stars. I love four stars. Four stars are not bad. I may get three stars. Just so you know...Three stars aren't bad either. Two stars are fine and even one stars. However, all I ask is that you leave the reason for your rating whether it be a great, a good or a bad rating and don't be nasty about it.
Now, I'll explain why I write a blog with reviews and I leave them on amazon, goodreads, Shelfari and Rifflebooks. I'll explain this as a reader. Not only do I think it helps the author to hear what I enjoyed about the book or didn't enjoy but I think it gives the author who put their blood, sweat and tears into their work a thank you. It also shows them that you respect their work. It helps them get sales. As a reader, I am suspicious of when I see all glowing reviews and there a lot of them. I'm not talking about the books that have only a few reviews. I'm talking about the ones who have a lot. Statistically, someone is going to give you at least a three star review. So, that does turn me off of a book sometimes. I don't get paid for my reviews. They are honest. I DO feel bad about bad reviews that I have to give but I do put it in a way that I hope helps the author and I also try to respect them and their work as I write the review.
So, even though I'm an author and I know how it feels to get a bad review...I still write reviews. As an author, I understand that not everyone is going to like my books. That's okay. That's normal but I still like the reviews. Please give them. So, there is the answer to that question. By the way, most authors do give reviews. We know how much it helps.