I started the first of the Dani Ripper Novels, Call Me with a lot of interest. The Summary was gripping and I sat down and read Call Me and entered the world of Dani Ripper.
First, the setting and back story. It takes place partially in Cincinnati and partially in Nashville. Since, I am from a town two hours away from Nashville and I'm a bit homesick, I was extremely happy to find that at least some of the setting would be there. The background of Dani Ripper is interesting and I found that I was engaged with her.
When it comes to the characters, I really did like Dani. However, the rest of the characters were hard to find believable. I kind of liked Sophie but not enough to see the relationship between Sophie and Dani. I kind of liked Ben but not enough to see that relationship either. So, I tried but the only one I could find believable besides Dani was Detective Aub and he wasn't in the book enough to keep me interested in the characters.
The plot was interesting and I did find myself interested in the actual story line but I did feel that it should have had more detail in parts but for the most part it did keep me engaged. So, I enjoyed the story.
So, I would recommend this story to people who want to read a detective's novel even though the characters left me feeling a bit disappointed.
My rating: 2.9
Cover Rating: 3